Dimmi, in movimento – Mohamed Yousry “Shika” e Tommaso Monza
Piazza Masaccio San Giovanni Valdarno – 11 Luglio 2017 – ore 21:15
Teatro Stabile Anghiari
Ideazione: Massimiliano Bruni, Andrea Merendelli, Gerarda Ventura
Coordinamento Artistico: Andrea Merendelli
Coreografie: Mohamed Yousry Fathy “Shika” in collaborazione con Tommaso Monza
Coordinamento generale Massimiliano Bruni e Filippo Massi
Coordinamento laboratori teatrali propedeutici Andrea Giannoni
Progetto realizzato dal Teatro di Anghiari in collaborazione con Anghiari Dance Hub, Fondazione Archivio Diaristico Nazionale, Associazione Senegalese del Valdarno, Associazione Assadaqa=Amicizia, Fratelli dell’Uomo, Coop. Sociale BetaDue e i Comuni di San Giovanni Valdarno e Pontassieve
Progetto cofinanziato dalla Direzione Generale Spettacolo del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo nell’ambito del Bando MigrArti – La Cultura Unisce 2017
Un viaggio attraverso la danza, il teatro, la musica di cui sono protagonisti i nostri nuovi cittadini, residenti o anche solo di passaggio. I migranti e le loro storie, le loro danze tradizionali che si incontrano con la contemporaneità per dar vita a nuovi linguaggi delle società future.
Questa iniziativa è inserita nell’ambito del progetto Migrarti Spettacolo 2017 del Mibact
info: www.migrarti.it
Supporto alla tecnica: The Backstage
Mohamed Yousry “Shika” (Egypt)
Mohamed Yousry “Shika”, is an Egyptian dancer of Nubian origin, graduated from Cairo University and worked in commercial dance before joining the Cairo Contemporary Dance Center (CCDC) (2012-2015). In 2015 he became the first Egyptian to join Ecole Des Sables (EDS) in Senegal (2015-2017), and he become a CEC ArtsLink Residency recipient. In 2016 he had been chosen to participate in P.A.R.T.S/EDS exchange program. Shika’s studies in dance and choreography are shaped by internationally renowned masters, such as Vincent Mantsoe, Germaine Acogny, Francesco Scavetta, Sophiatou Kossoko, Frey Faust and Reggie Wilson. Receiving the Pina Bausch Fellowship 2017, Shika’s artistic guide in research for a contemporary new perspective of African dances and its body-concepts will be Brooklyn based performer and choreographer Nora Chipaumire.
Info / video su SHIKA:
Tommaso Monza (Italy)
Tommaso Monza studied as a sculptor at Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, and later he moved closer to dance-theatre and contemporary dance studying and training with different teachers, between the others: Abbondanza/Bertoni, Julien Hamilton, Roberto Castello, Ivan Wolf, Liat Waysbort, Silvia Rampelli, Loren Potter…
He has been working as a dancer and artist associate within Abbondanza/Bertoni Company since 2005 and within Ambra Senatore Company since 2010.
From 2010 Tommaso Monza has started his own choreographic research presenting a solo (FRA LE MIA DITA ROTTE), a quartet (PIAZZE D’ITALIA) inspired by the italian artist De Chirico, and a duet(DEI NOSTRI EROI PIU’ FRAGILI). His projects has been presented in Italy as well as in Europe. In 2012 he’s part of Choreoroam Europe Project. Tommaso Monza has been working on his own performing art project ROD-Three Units on Kazakhstan since 2012, involving several artists.
ROD, finalist project at Premio Equilibrio Roma 2014, aims at the creation of contemporary dance production and performances with artists both Italians and Kazakh, inspired by the culture of Kazakhstan, which people attracts because of its nomad root and its struggle for a cultural identity.
t. 377 98 78 803
L’evento MigrArti è ad ingresso gratuito.
https://old.comunesgv.it/dimmi-in-movimento-11-luglio-2017-ore-2115/https://old.comunesgv.it/content/uploads/2017/07/dimmi_movimento-1024x386.jpghttps://old.comunesgv.it/content/uploads/2017/07/dimmi_movimento-150x150.jpgEventidanza,migranti,musicaDimmi, in movimento - Mohamed Yousry “Shika” e Tommaso Monza Piazza Masaccio San Giovanni Valdarno - 11 Luglio 2017 - ore 21:15 Teatro Stabile Anghiari presenta DIMMI, IN MOVIMENTO Ideazione: Massimiliano Bruni, Andrea Merendelli, Gerarda Ventura Coordinamento Artistico: Andrea Merendelli Coreografie: Mohamed Yousry Fathy “Shika” in collaborazione con Tommaso Monza Coordinamento generale Massimiliano Bruni e...comunesgvcomunesgv San Giovanni Valdarnowebmaster@comunesgv.itAdministratorCOMUNE DI SAN GIOVANNI VALDARNO